星期二, 9月 12, 2006

We may be overrun with ants, but we still have spirit

So, the previously commented upon, sketchy former owner of our apartment has apparently never heard of cleaning products or thought to use the mop in our apartment, and Rachel and I are currently in the middle of an epic battle with a colony of ants. BUT, never fear, my darlings, we went to the grocery store/house of everything neccessary to live today and found anti-ant cleaning spray as well as kick ass closet/tent contraptions and bed mats. The ants have no chance and the apartment is going to super amazing and chic (pictures are forthcoming).
Rachel and I have also registered and signed up for our placement exams at ICLP (in two days, AHHHHH!). The secretary there is verrrryyyy cute and I kept asking him unneccessary questions to prove that my Chinese was acceptable (and, of course, that I was amazing and fantastic).
The NTU campus (at which we are studying) is beautiful (palm trees and tropical breezes, eat that Jersey/Massachusetts) and has what seems to be a highly functioning theater/drama department. Audit classes? Yes, I think I might. There is also news of an amazing experimental theater in the middle of the city (near the Chiang Kai-Shek memorial, holla back) and a visit to it will be made after the placement exam.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of an apartment attempt to speak only in Chinese Sunday-Thrusday (I know we're starting a little late, whatever) and note will be made of our progress as we march forth in the footsteps of the bold and honorable Sun Yat-sen.



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