星期五, 2月 02, 2007

Choir Concerts, and Slurpees, and Sickness, OH MY!

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I am so, so, so very lazy.

But not really. My classes are much more demanding this semester than they were last semester so I am having more difficulty finding the time to think up clever blog postings to provide for all of my lovely fans.

So choir concert was KICKING! Although there was some cheesy choreography (but who doesn't fucking love that anyway), it was a lot of fun preparing for it and the audience seemed to very much enjoy it. Also it was nice to see the conductor smile instead of scowl for once. (I impressively got 13 whities to come to the concert, so that was pretty pimp in and of it self).

Then I get very, very, very sick for about four days. Finally recovering. Wonderful-erific.

But the best/most interesting news of all. Slurpees have finally come to Taiwan.

I have no words to express my joy.


Blogger Terry said...

You're delinquent. But I forgive you.

星期五, 2月 02, 2007 9:25:00 下午  
Blogger Brad said...

your blog is boring....spice it up

星期六, 2月 24, 2007 4:40:00 上午  
Blogger Terry said...

Jess, I never thought I'd say this, but if you don't update this thing for a MONTH, my blog will officially be putting yours to shame. I've posted VIDEO, for goodness sake. And my pithy observations may not be posted with any kind of frequency, but I don't think I've ever gone more than two weeks during a period when said blog was in session without posting. Let's have some action here!

星期一, 2月 26, 2007 8:02:00 上午  


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