星期三, 6月 06, 2007

Grad School Part II (The Journey Continues?)

So, today in the middle of a huge and immensely long thunder/rainstorm, I dragged jetlagged Adam and Jeremy down to Zhengzhi University where I had an interview at the Labor Research Department (Jeremy and Adam were very good sports about it and very well behaved).

During the course of the interview (which lasted five minutes although I had to wait about forty to finally see the head of the department) I was informed that, if the University itself had no problems with my application, the Labor Research Institute would be happy to accept me as a member of their cheerfully anti-capitalist family. Now the question of the hour: Can I complete two grad school programs simultaneously??

I know you probably think I am crazy, but the Labor Research Institute is badass in a socialist kind of way and the Literature program is badass in a crazy, ancestoral Chinese, 5,000 years of history kind of way. How can I pass up either one?? Maybe I'll stop sleeping.


Blogger Sarah said...

That would be a TERRIBLE idea.

Have the two gringo americanos smack some sense into you.

星期三, 6月 06, 2007 6:18:00 下午  


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