星期四, 3月 01, 2007


Okay, Jason Kohn, Terry Tamm, Sarah Schillaci, Bradford Chu, etc. and so forth.

A girl gets busy for a couple of monthes and suddenly the whole western world is in an uproar! Jeeez...

No, really, I love it, makes me feel appreciated.

So tomorrow I am going to turn in the last of my grad school application (should hear back from those in May/June), I recently took a Chinese Proficiency Test and scored in the advanced levels, I think I got hit on by a Taiwanese guy outside of the Taiwan University Library (he's taking me to see the new Andy Lau heroine movie on Saturday...and picking me up on his motorcycle...YES!), and I have to memorize way more characters a day than one person should.

I also just got back from a whirlwind week of Chinese New Year vacationing, which included a trip to the beach (Kending...AMAZING.) Beaches are HOTT is so many senses of the word. While at said beach I went out with a teacher from ICLP and her husband AND he told a crazy story about whorehouses which made everyone uncomfortable (it included the phrase," so the lawyer was on the bed having himself a good old time"....umm...). Moral of the story: stay away from tall white guys when in Taiwan.

Looking forward to much more blog posting in the future. I am sorry I made y'all disappointed for a good long while. I promise it might not happen again...:)


Blogger Brad said...

Yay! After 11 years of learning Chinese, you are now "proficient"!

You should really make a "feed" for your blog (it's in the blogger options). That way, I don't have to check this thing and it will send me updates. Useful x 1000

星期一, 3月 05, 2007 1:21:00 下午  


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