星期二, 10月 24, 2006


As you can tell, my usual sloth while abroad is beginning to kick in. Never fear! I am actually doing things here/am busy out of my mind. I am going to try to be better about posting when this week is over, but just so you know I am safe and not being stupid, I extended my VISA yesterday and while at least be staying for another 2 monthes (or another 3 years, whatever). I am also finally beginning to look at grad schools although I just found out that I have to take a very, very hard Chinese langauge ability test to get into the Social Work school at Taida. The Chinese government is going to hear from me about this one (I am shaking my fist as I type). It's okay though, if I don't get into the Social Work school, I am definitely going for the Graduate Institute of Labor Research or joining the military. There are always options...



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