Recently learned how to say "Pole Dancer" and "Male Stripper" (already knew how to say "Female Stripper"). I am obviously very relieved and can now begin to pursue my dreams of joining the ranks of the adult entertainment industry. For all of you who have been wishing me luck along this long and arduous road to success, I thank you.
In more realistic news, perhaps changing top grad school department choice from Social Work to Lingustics...
...That will probably change again before I actually get around to applying...if that ever happens.
Terry Tamm gets this week's award for most consequtive blog comments. Sarah Schillaci, where did you go??
In more realistic news, perhaps changing top grad school department choice from Social Work to Lingustics...
...That will probably change again before I actually get around to applying...if that ever happens.
Terry Tamm gets this week's award for most consequtive blog comments. Sarah Schillaci, where did you go??
Oh, yeah. Be sure to check out mine! The url is on my facebook page.
Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't WAIT to get that award. I'll win ALL the time (now that I've figured out I can miss you less by reading your amazing news). I LOVE YOU.
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