星期一, 3月 26, 2007

PUPPETS ARE BACK and I think I am friends with a Taiwanese Congresswoman

Friends, friends...do you happen to remember the crazy puppet show I attended in the beginning of the year based on Kafka's short stories (if not I suggest you go back to the September postings and find that post. If I remember correctly, it was particularly wonderful). WELL, the puppeteers are back from Thailand and have opened an experimental theater in the outskirts of Taibei city. This is what we call a "bling bling" moment because they just opened, they may need help, and, even if they don't, they are opening a new show this weekend. Here's a link to their new, not extremely exciting website:


and the name of their show is the best part by far:
"Sad, Funny, Fucked Up, Beautiful Puppet World"(a tri-lingual show in Chinese, English and Spanish)

HAHAHAHA...that just screams wonderful to me...

Also, it turns out my "stalker" is extremely well connected in the Taiwanese political world and now works for an old friend/congresswoman. I get to hang out with her by virtue of being unassuming and on Saturday we went to a leper colony and "researched issues." Hopefully I will have some pictures soon...

星期四, 3月 15, 2007

Final Today, Life Tomorrow??

In anticipation of the freedom giving experience that will be my final this afternoon, I will post a YIPEE of gladness for all to see.


Was in a skit to welcome the new members of the National Taiwan University Chorus recently. I didn't realize that acting in another language would actually be extremely diffcult. I think I managed to be both partially mute and extremely cute at the same time and I did have one really funny line, but, I think I am going to have to rethink a Taiwanese acting career. So sad.

So, now I will relate to you all the story of the cutest, most adorable kid in my choir. I don't remember his name...because Chinese names are difficult to remember, not because I am a huge bitch...but he is adorable. Here are three reasons why:

1) He always uses the English word "stupid" in Chinese sentences and then gets really embarassed. He also likes the phrase "oh, so disgusting."

2) He is studying to be a vet and when listing off the animals he was studying one of the other kids in the Chorus jokingly asked, "do you help alligators?" To which he replied "no! who would want to help alliagtors"...I swear it was really cute. He also has a story about a lizard in a freezer which is pretty strange.

3) His best phrase: "Because 7-11 is our good friend and we have to support him/her." I love people who love 7-11. It is our good friend and we do need to support it.

星期二, 3月 06, 2007


It's Sarah Schillaci's birthday and she's pretty hot (and by that I mean extremely to smoking hot) so, even if you don't know her, sing her a little happy birthday tune in your mind and then eat a piece (or 5 pieces) or cake.

星期四, 3月 01, 2007


Okay, Jason Kohn, Terry Tamm, Sarah Schillaci, Bradford Chu, etc. and so forth.

A girl gets busy for a couple of monthes and suddenly the whole western world is in an uproar! Jeeez...

No, really, I love it, makes me feel appreciated.

So tomorrow I am going to turn in the last of my grad school application (should hear back from those in May/June), I recently took a Chinese Proficiency Test and scored in the advanced levels, I think I got hit on by a Taiwanese guy outside of the Taiwan University Library (he's taking me to see the new Andy Lau heroine movie on Saturday...and picking me up on his motorcycle...YES!), and I have to memorize way more characters a day than one person should.

I also just got back from a whirlwind week of Chinese New Year vacationing, which included a trip to the beach (Kending...AMAZING.) Beaches are HOTT is so many senses of the word. While at said beach I went out with a teacher from ICLP and her husband AND he told a crazy story about whorehouses which made everyone uncomfortable (it included the phrase," so the lawyer was on the bed having himself a good old time"....umm...). Moral of the story: stay away from tall white guys when in Taiwan.

Looking forward to much more blog posting in the future. I am sorry I made y'all disappointed for a good long while. I promise it might not happen again...:)